Good Smile: Overbite Teeth Correction & Teeth Whitening?

 We all have a slight gap between our 2 sets of teeth. But that is for better straight teeth alignment, naturally. If your smile, has a gap in the teeth bites that are more than normal, you have an overbite problem. And, sometimes teeth whitening treatment goes hand in hand.


How Is Overbite Teeth Correction Done?

Overbite correction is done in 2 ways. One, by braces. Two, by jaw surgery. After that, you get straight teeth and a great smile. However, only in the case of a complicated overbite, he can suggest jaw surgery. An overbite correction by braces starts from £1700 approximately. Whereas, an overbite jaw surgery cost starts from £18000.

straight teeth

Before And After Smile Condition

You can cure a small overbite teeth problem within 6 months. Whereas, critical overbite problems may take up to 2 years to get straight teeth.

The Braces

All kinds of braces are common to cure overbite teeth problems. Examples are metal and wire braces, clear plastic braces, Invisalign aligners, etc. All help you get straight teeth with a good smile.


Invisalign And Overbite

Invisalign can be a good choice for you for straight teeth in case of little overbite teeth. It is a removable, transparent soft aligner. Even, the retainer is comfortable. The treatment is comfortable and fast. There is a visible difference within 3 months. The treatment cost is about £5000 or below that.

Are Braces And Overbite Surgery Covered By The NHS?

No. Orthodontic cosmetic surgeries are not covered by the NHS. But, if you are under 18 years of age or you have drastic facial distortions, your cost for surgery or brace treatment may lessen at the NHS. Teeth whitening cost is not covered under the NHS.

Teeth Whitening

Is Teeth Whitening Necessary If You have Overbite?

The dentist may suggest teeth whitening after brace treatment. This is done to have more shiny teeth and a better smile.

The braces, if removable are removed, or if they are fixed, they remain in place during the whitening procedure. The procedure may take a couple of sittings if the staining is acute. The cost of teeth whitening starts from £200. But, it varies with different dentists.

You understand now that teeth whitening and overbite teeth are treated in different ways. Though, both many at times go together. As a whole, your smile is the winner. And, you get straight teeth.


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