Teeth Whitening Procedures: Know How Zoom Orthodontic Laser Treatment Is Done?

 Professional teeth whitening treatments like the zoom laser teeth whitening have to be done at a dentist’s clinic. You can search over the internet with the term teeth whitening kit UK also. But over-the-counter products will not give you the results like laser teeth whitening before and after results.

Teeth whitening can be achieved both by professional methods and can also be self-administered by the use of over-the-counter available products. Commercially available products are mouthwashes, toothpaste, whitening pens, whitening trays, and whitening strips. However, the use of whitening toothpaste is most common amongst patients. But, whitening toothpaste contains abrasive bleaching agents that can prove detrimental to the teeth. There are chemicals like carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. So, it is advisable that you go for professional teeth whitening.

The Professionally Done Teeth Whitening

Any teeth whitening procedure for example zoom laser teeth whitening uses paste that contains carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide removes the extrinsic stains. But, the process is made fast-forward with the help of UV light rays. The time taken is only about 2 hours at a stretch.

How Is the Zoom Teeth Lightening Done?

The bleaching is totally under the control of the dentist. The soft tissue on the teeth is protected during the professional dental procedure. The Zoom Dental Whitening System is one system of bleaching the teeth that use a mercury halide lamp. The lamp is filtered to emit light in almost the 350-400 nm range. At the completion of the in-office whitening treatment, an additional hydrogen peroxide gel is given to the patient to continue the bleaching procedure also at home. This prevents the stain to return on the teeth.

The heat that is emitted from the lamp helps in the fast processing of the whitening gel on your teeth. Now, in many dental clinics, the dentist may first take an impression of your teeth. He will prepare a model of the dental impression. Then, you get a dental whitening tray in a few days. The dentist demonstrates how you can use the tray at home for long-term dental whitening results. In the clinic, he puts the gel in the trays. Then, he places the tray in your mouth and uses the heat from the UV light rays. And, very soon you get a new set of white teeth.

The use of bleaching dental processes has become popular today due to an increased interest in white teeth. However, the exact mechanism of the whitening gel procedure is not completely understood. Hydrogen peroxide has a no-harming effect on teeth and it also diffuses through the organic enamel of the teeth fast. During the bleaching, hydrogen peroxide creates oxygenation in the process on the tooth surface. This, in turn, reacts to break the staining molecules in the tooth. When combined with heat and light sources, the process of dental bleaching is accelerated.

 The Result

The laser teeth whitening before and after are always great. Laser whitening treatment results can last up to 6 months or even longer. The results are satisfactory as well. But, the amount of time for which the treatment results last, can depend on teeth structure. Also, individual diet habits, and overall oral health matter. However, it is true that you can search over the internet with the term teeth whitening kit UK also. But the results of a professional dental treatment will always be better than the home treatment.


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